
Artistic License Manifesto Marco Munoz Jaramillo

Artistic License Manifesto  ©
                                                                 Marco Munoz Jaramillo 

Artistic License Manifesto Marco Munoz Jaramillo            

 May 8, 2021 Circa 1980

The cause and effect of a container of black tar being knocked over from a roof staircase and barreling downward spilling and spuing the roofing liquid after an evening of a joyful gathering with the romantic notion of a rooftop party. Art, beer, girls, and music and an accidental push of the 5-gallon cans filled with tar, toppling over as the weight of gravity set in, handprints and shoe prints the noises of bodies and begrudging adjectives between the grunts and growings of people cascading down slipping and sliding and dripping with tar violently vomiting the blacken substance downward, catching each landing steps, bodies piling on top of each other with webbing stretching the glossing black paint like the bottom of the Paterson Falls. The fingerprinted walls of the staircase resembling a lot like the caves found in France from a primitive era marked the walls and floors of the stairs left remanence images with decorations of Franz Kline’s broad strokes throughout the staircase leading to the third floor landing while a mini tsunami slowly flowed and covered the floors and stairs of the second and on to the first floor. The hysterical panic of the participants covered in tar slipping and sliding and falling, horrified, like a scene from a black and white movie by the Russian director “Eisenstein" the scenes of Battleship Potemkin.

In horror and complete disoriented Al Costanza, sculptor, and studio mate
woke me up the next morning at the place where the event took place. He looked at me totally scared and frightened, almost completely defeated and said to me “Marco, I am leaving the studio”as if to say I am running away from last night’s catastrophic tar bath. I replied “Al so you’re going to run away from this problem, but you know all too well the problem will still be here, besides we have the greatest excuse of all times”. Al, now much more sober and with a rather perplexed expression said “WHAT? What do you mean what excuse can remedy all the tar bath and spillage? “I looked at Al and with a firm but stern voice said “We are artists this is what artists do! ‘. Al suddenly regained his bearings and said “Marco you’re right! We are artists''. Little did I know that this moment from my past would be the “birth “of a Manifesto for the greatest excuse to be a human being with an artistic license. We turned a disaster into creativity.
This epiphany occurred in the early eighties at the Ritz building above the Ritz Theater on East Jersey Street in Elizabeth. The “Creative Minds Studios” was formed with the local artists which started a cultural revolution for its time in Elizabeth N.J.

“Creative Minds Studio”
Photographed at the old Winfield Scott Hotel for Conversations in Elizabeth with Mr. Freeman.

Circa 1981-1983

®© Artistic License Manifesto 2021

“Art is the signature of man.” G.K. Chesterton

“True Artists have their feet firmly planted in the ground while their heads are in the clouds.” Robert Beverly Hale

If anyone dares to look for truth you will find it, all on that path of striving to become a true human being will do so. This manifesto is to is a call all who claim to be artists it to a call for all the makers, the doers, the creators, the visionaries, and sometimes prophets and angels, all those that were once laughed at, scoffed at, and cast aside as odd and treated like an outsider. This for those who swim against the current. Those who have chosen to follow the spirit and not the masses of trendy popularity. For those there is an uncommon thread that convicts us all to be different, unique, yet embraces and transcend in pursuit of a healthy variety of creativity. This manifesto empowers the holder with freedom of mind, heart and Soul, and serves as a reminder to achieve and pursue the inner vision that is in us all. This card has no intrinsic power or magical nonsense. Art is something built into the fabric of humanity and of each believer for those there is also a giving back to the world in thanksgiving rather than taking from it without replacing what was taken. This is a declaration of imaginative independence. Creation is the ultimate freedom. The manifested truth is art at its finest. The fingerprint left behind by the imagination turned to reality is what is understood in the mind, the heart, and spirit of each artist. The artistic license is a declaration of our human right to create and not to destroy. MMJ,Marco Munoz Jaramillo  

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