
The significance of the passage of time with the Endless void of emptiness.

 These photographs Taken on July 26, 2024.

Looking for peace and personal solace were our mind is refreshed relaxed, unless you a fortunate to have the the enjoyment of working at something that is dear to your abilities, talents,  intelligence's, and gifts you will never work a day in your life however not everyone fits that category so for everyone else including me, there are places and things that fill the void of our empty lives.  
Life is passing and time is continuing regardless of individual culture, race, tradition, belief and systematic institutions laws. 
All in combing Peace is what all are looking for where is this Peace?
I have come to the only conclusion that Jesus Christ is the prince of Peace and author of our salvation,
Knowing this he answers the deep and deeper difficult questions we experience with ever breath we inhale and exhale while we are living. Live with fierce conviction looking forward for that day that moment that we are joined and gathered together. 
With love enjoy the people watching.        

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